Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The FTP client Visual Basic source code library

The FTP client Visual Basic source code library
A a visual Basic programmers I was always in search of a good FTP client library. The I found this code on . This source code gives a good tool to Access a ftp server through your visual basic Application. I have used this ftp client library in one of my non commertial project. It works absolutely fine over Internet as well as Intranet Ftp servers. A very good example of asynchronous operations for File downloading using Events .

The features of this library are

Establish connection to the remote FTP host.
Authenticate the user.
Retrieve directories/files listings.
Navigate between remote directories.
Download a file from the FTP server onto the local system.
Upload a file to the FTP server from the local system.
Resume the broken data transfer operations in any direction.
Display data transfer progress information.
Rename files and directories located on the FTP server.
Delete files and directories on the FTP server.
Define the “waiting for server response” time out value.
Define size of the outgoing data buffer.
Get the FTP session status info at any time of the session.
Define method of establishing of the data connection (passive mode or not)
Define the data transfer mode (ASCII or Image)

Isn't that Gr8 ?

That is why I am sharing this good resource with you ? (:-)

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